The Takeover
MCXess and De Nummerspecialist are pleased to announce that MCXess will offer continuity to De Nummerspecialist’s telephony customers.
Wouter Wamelink's success
Wouter Wamelink is the man behind a number of successful ventures. In particular, website design and development activities (under the name websitedesigner.nu) are booming. This is great, of course, but also requires clear choices. With continued growth, Wouter will no longer have the time to give the care to De Nummerspecialist customers that they deserve. To get ahead of that, he started looking for an alternative way to secure the service for his customers.

The strength of MCXess
MCXess is an organisation that focuses entirely on providing telephony connectivity. Providing telephone numbers (all types of numbers all around the world) and routing the calls is in the DNA of the organisation. MCXess has proven itself to be a stable and reliable organisation since 2002 and continues to optimally meet new needs such as telephony for hybrid working and calling with MS Teams.
The Fortification
The stability and focus MCXess can offer in the field of Telephony is exactly what Wouter was looking for, for the customers of De Nummerspecialist. With this move, MCXess can unburden Wouter Wamelink and offer a stable future to his customers.
For more information, feel free to contact MCXess at support@mcxess.com.
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I have found in MCXess a reliable partner whom I am happy to entrust with the support of my clients.
Wouter Wamelink from De Nummerspecialist